Identity, respecting others, social media

Recently I read Any Ordinary Day by Leigh Sales. I appreciated this read and the journey it took me on. There was one story that stood out in regard to the work I have undertaken over the last couple of years. It was a moment that occurred when Sales was a young journalist and “desperately […]

Teachers and Social Media

A quick read, where does this take your thinking? Neil Selwyn has taken a few moments to pen his thoughts on “The teacher as social media celebrity … the downsides of being ‘edu-famous’?” It is clear that much thinking has gone into this and much more thinking and conversation needs to be had on the […]

While on Leave Without Pay I intend to do some reading

This list will grow over time as will my perspective and thoughts. I Cut The ‘Big Five’ Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell It is great to be able to share a reading with another and see what response it elicits. A friend flicked me the following as a result of reading this […]

Have we moved on from the Cambridge Analytica scandal?

Have we moved on from the Cambridge Analytica scandal?

This week has been fascinating, it appears that things have begun to recover after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which then led to the #deletefacebook movement. This movement seemed to have a small, but noticeable impact for a moment on the pages that I support. However, from a quick look this weekend it appears that the main […]

Social media – what story are you sharing? What impact does it have?

Social media – what story are you sharing? What impact does it have?

Love it or hate it, social media is a place that provides a fascinating insight into who we are as people and as individuals. We happily share our thoughts and happenings, engage with people we know or don’t, in a range of spaces – private, closed or open. It is often a place were the […]

Connecting with your tribe

Connecting with your tribe

This last week I attended and presented at the 10th Social Media for Gov Summit, in Canberra, and as a result had the opportunity to meet with others who’s work is focused on social media. To be honest it could not have been more opportune, as there is nothing better than having a moment in time […]

Thinking through the dissonance

Thinking through the dissonance

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a weaving workshop were I engaged in some interesting conversations, which has allowed me to think through some of the dissonance that I am experiencing at the moment. It was interesting to chat with educators and unpack how they approach their own learning and how that then […]

Time to create

Time to create

In my previous post I made comment to taking time out to create, or more specifically giving oneself permission to take time out to be creative by participating in a creative activity. It is fascinating listening to people when you start a conversation around creativity. I often find that people push back and quickly state […]

Time to get back into this blogging thing

Time to get back into this blogging thing

I realised the other day that I haven’t blogged for some time and started to reflect on why this journey of sharing my learning and my thoughts began. A number of years back I encountered some workplace bullying and after life started to get back together a little I found this a great place to […]

Take-aways from #SM4GOV – 2

There are still a number of take-aways that I am yet to mention, I will focus on these in another post. For the moment I am digging deeper into one particular take-away, that being analysing the data. This is particularly important when highlighting the importance of social media’s role to those who work with you, yet […]